Monday, March 29, 2010

Chapter One - Reality Sure is Setting In

Darkness is overpowering to the human eye. This is why life has become so difficult on this planet that once was called Earth. Some of us still remember when this place was called by that name, but we are few in numbers. Only the strong have survived long enough to see what Earth has become. It is a nightmare to some, but to others it is just an adventure or a game. We live in constant darkness and I am no different from any of the other humans still walking the planet. Sometimes we run into some, but those occasions are very rare nowadays. It’s just me and my gang now. We hide out from the others and are constantly on the run. I do say it can get quite exciting at times, but also very dangerous.
My gang consists of my two friends Jayde and Rayne. Together we are known as the Hidden. No one can ever see us because we are constantly in the shadows of the Night Walkers. They lurk in this darkness they call home, but we just happen to live in. They have taken over Earth; one Night Walker at a time… taking over our home. I personally call it a nightmare. We are some of the last survivors on the North American continent, so I guess you could call us experts of the dark. Life gets crazy, but we keep pushing on, fighting for our lives every single day. These “Night Walkers” as we call them are just your average vampire, right? Heck no. These bad boys have rabies. They take over the minds of humans in order to feed off them without any trouble or fighting. This is always the kicker. We have to constantly figure out new ways to protect our minds from their powers so we will not be their next meal.
Some aren’t infected, but those are rare just like us. These are some that can be trusted and they also have our backs, most of the time. They are mostly human, just with the added fangs and thirst for blood. They are the lucky ones that did not contract the rabies when they were turned. They others, well… they were goners from the start. As soon as they felt that first thirst for blood they started attacking everything with a beating heart. Soon, everyone and everything had fangs. Except us, that is.
 It’s hard to figure out who can be trusted these days considering human-looking things have fangs laced with vampire poison and rabies. So I mean we are pretty much out of luck if we come  face to face with a vampire because we are either going to turn into a normal vamp or one with rabies. So please tell me if either one is better. All the rabies does is make you crazy thirsty all the time and you are unable to hide your fangs. That is the only thing that separates the rabid from the sane. Vamps can truly be friendly though… that’s one way we are able to survive these days because without their help we wouldn’t make it pass the first of the infected. Our vamp friends can bite, rip, and tear those rabid up until their dead hearts can’t even pretend to beat anymore.
Although most of the time it’s just my gang of friends, we sometimes run into our vamp friends along the road. They are the spice of our lives… well the “good” kinda spice. We are all best of friends even though we rarely get to see each other.  Thank God for friends, right?
Anyways, my friends have no idea I’m writing this, but I promise to keep you up to date… wouldn’t want you getting into any dangerous situations you couldn’t get out of, now would we?

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